just a moment with Suzanne Gummow

Suzanne Gummow of Adelaide, South Australia is passionate about textiles and colour.  She draws us in with Black Hole:

Black holes are so massive that they severely warp the fabric of spacetime.

View more images on Suzanne’s blog.

Suzanne is also an enthusiastic textiles teacher and is teaching two, 2-day classes at the Australasian Quilt Convention 2016: Creative Raw Edge Applique and Creating New Fabric.
Black Hole (detail) by Suzanne Gummow

supportedbybrother just a moment is a series of daily blog posts from 29 January to 29 February 2016 that will feature an artist and preview their artwork from the exhibition a matter of time. The exhibition will premiere at the Stitches & Craft Show, Sydney: 3-6 March 2016. All welcome!