just a moment with Catherine McDonald

Just a moment with Catherine McDonald of Christchurch, New Zealand as she recalls some family history in Coming Home:

Telegrams sent to my grandmother, Sarah Scott, telling her that my dad, Clem, had been injured in WWII. They take you from knowing he’s injured, his turn for the worse and lower leg amputation through to his arrival home to his Mum. He was wounded, patched up and on his way back to the front when he fell off a tank and the next tank ran over his leg. In hindsight it probably saved his life as his two mates in the first photo, Darcy and Jock, never returned.
I'm Coming Home (detail) by Catherine McDonald
Catherine is convenor of Quilt Symposium Creative Construction in Christchurch from 5-10 October 2017. She invites you to register now so as to secure the lowest possible registration number and to optimise your chances of being allocated your preferred classes and events. Tutor announcements are coming soon and plans are under way to exhibit a matter of time as part of the Symposium.

supportedbybrother just a moment is a series of daily blog posts from 29 January to 29 February 2016 that will feature an artist and preview their artwork from the exhibition a matter of time. The exhibition will premiere at the Stitches & Craft Show, Sydney: 3-6 March 2016. All welcome!


  1. thanks for promoting the 2017 quilt symposium in CHristchurch NZ Brenda. It will be a marvellous event with exciting tutors and exhibitions.